

Insight  |  July 25, 2024

Safety first: Why quality matters in high yield

The high-yield market held up well in the first half of the year, but as Jamie Cane and Kevin Ziets explain, prudence and careful credit selection will remain vital in the coming months.


Insight  |  July 22, 2024

Muzinich Weekly Market Comment: MAGA

In our latest roundup of developments in financial markets and economies, we consider what to make of the latest communications from European central bankers and a big week for US politics.


Insight  |  July 19, 2024

EM Monthly: Opportunity Knocks

An improving macro picture and less election noise could provide a tailwind for EM credit for the rest of 2024.


Analysis  |  July 16, 2024

Activate your cash: Addressing reinvestment risk through a stepping stone approach

Falling interest rates will lower future returns on cash. Portfolio managers Tatjana Greil-Castro and Ian Horn explain how an allocation to short-duration corporate bonds could offer protection against this reinvestment risk without exposing investors to undue duration risk.


Viewpoint  |  July 15, 2024

Muzinich Weekly Market Comment: In season

In our latest roundup of developments in financial markets and economies, we explain why the drivers of the recent rally in credit have been more nuanced than the usual seasonal factors.


Podcast  |  July 15, 2024

Impasse: What next for France?

French president Emmanuel Macron called a snap election on June 9. But with no group winning a clear majority following the two round French election, where does the country go from here? That’s the question we try to answer in the latest episode of the Muzinich Podcast, featuring Erick Muller, director of product and investment strategy at Muzinich.


Snapshot  |  July 11, 2024

Muzinich Asset Allocation Group Monthly Update - July 2024

Please click to watch our latest Asset Allocation Group video update for the month of July 2024.


Analysis  |  July 9, 2024

Lack of dispersion supports ‘up-in-quality’ bias

Portfolio manager Ian Horn looks at what investors can learn from comparing mean and median credit spreads, and explains why current market conditions favour quality over beta.


Insight  |  July 8, 2024

Muzinich Weekly Market Comment: On the lookout

In our latest roundup of developments in financial markets and economies, we explain why credit investors should remain watchful for three sources of risk.


Snapshot  |  July 5, 2024

Corporate Credit Snapshot - July 2024

Global credit generated mostly positive returns as positive sentiment and tightening spreads across both high yield and investment grade supported a risk on environment in May.


Viewpoint  |  July 3, 2024

The re-weighting game: European credit losing appeal versus US

Portfolio manager Ian Horn discusses the latest developments, themes and opportunities in the investment-grade and high-yield markets.


Insight  |  July 1, 2024

Muzinich Weekly Market Comment: Half-time

In our latest roundup of developments in financial markets and economies, we look at how various asset classes fared in the first half of the year and consider what the next six months might bring.


Podcast  |  June 20, 2024

Now you CEE me…….

Are economies growing faster in developed Europe than those in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)? Are the debt metrics of countries like Italy, Spain or the UK healthier than the likes of the Czech Repulic, Estonia or Slovenia? Warren Hyland, portfolio manager and co-author of our EM Monthly series and senior credit analyst Mark Robinson share their thoughts.


Podcast  |  June 19, 2024

Podcast - Adapt and thrive: A dynamic approach to credit investing

In the latest episode of the Muzinich podcast, we explore the potential benefits of a more dynamic approach to credit investing with Mike McEachern, Co-Head of Public Markets at Muzinich and the lead portfolio manager on the Dynamic Credit Income strategy.


Viewpoint  |  June 19, 2024

Return of the MAC: A dynamic approach to credit investing

With fears of an economic hard landing abating and rates expected to stay higher for longer, our co-head of public markets and portfolio manager Mike McEachern discusses how a greater allocation to high yield, underpinned by strong risk management, can potentially boost the return appeal of a multi-asset credit strategy.


Insight  |  June 14, 2024

CEEing opportunities in banks

Warren Hyland and Mark Robinson discuss the key themes and topics in emerging markets and what investors should look for in the month ahead.


Snapshot  |  June 12, 2024

European private credit: Waiting for the next big leap

In our latest Q&A, Kirsten Bode and Rafael Torres share their thoughts on the prospects for European private credit.


Viewpoint  |  June 7, 2024

US high yield: Playing the short game

With interest rate volatility likely to continue, Bryan Petermann explains how investors can insulate their credit exposure while potentially generating compelling returns via an allocation to short-duration high yield.


Viewpoint  |  May 31, 2024

Close Up: Finding value where others fear to tread

Portfolio manager Ian Horn discusses the latest developments, themes and opportunities in the investment-grade and high-yield markets.


Insight  |  May 23, 2024

From recovery to resurgence: The outlook for aviation finance

In our latest Q&A, Alok Wadhawan and Tom Light share their thoughts on a remarkable turnaround in the aviation sector and the implications for investors.


Podcast  |  May 21, 2024

The Indian Growth Story

From a global investor perspective, there’s a lot to like about India, which is the focus of the latest edition of our EM Monthly series. Click to listen to our latest episode of the Muzinich podcast where Warren Hyland, portfolio manager and co-author of EM Monthly, shares his thoughts.

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