Emerging Markets – Market Duration

Our market duration emerging market strategy seeks to generate attractive, benchmark-competitive returns over a full credit cycle. The strategy aims to achieve this through bottom-up credit selection, relative value allocation across sovereigns, industries, ratings and risk management.

The strategy focuses on investments in corporate bonds across the full rating spectrum in emerging markets (Asia, Africa, Latin America and certain parts of Europe) and, to a lesser extent, it may also invest in European and North American companies with emerging market exposure.

Capital en riesgo. El valor de las inversiones y los ingresos derivados de ellas pueden tanto bajar como subir y no está garantizado.  Es posible que los inversores no recuperen la totalidad del importe invertido. La rentabilidad pasada no es indicativa de la rentabilidad actual o futura.

Inicio de la Estrategia


Ubicación de los Gestores
