Emerging Markets – Short Duration

The emerging markets short duration strategy seeks to protect capital and generate attractive returns focusing on short duration emerging market corporate bonds.

We believe the strategy offers an attractive, risk-adjusted investment opportunity where its focus on short-term debt seeks to capture the potential of emerging markets while dampening volatility. Short-dated emerging markets bonds may also provide what we believe to be is an attractive yield per unit of duration. Meanwhile, active short-dated emerging market managers may add alpha given the divergence in returns among countries.

The strategy strives to generate value through Muzinich’s bottom-up investment process, rooted in internal credit research, which is conducted by an experienced investment team.

Capital en riesgo. El valor de las inversiones y los ingresos derivados de ellas pueden tanto bajar como subir y no está garantizado.  Es posible que los inversores no recuperen la totalidad del importe invertido. La rentabilidad pasada no es indicativa de la rentabilidad actual o futura.

Inicio de la Estrategia


Ubicación de los Gestores
