High Yield - Europe

With a bias towards higher-quality issues, the European high yield universe offers a slightly different risk-reward profile to its longer-established American counterpart. However, we run our European high yield strategy according to the same approach implemented with our US strategy.

Launched in 2000, our European high yield strategy features a diversified portfolio, allocating primarily to BB- and B-rated bonds, along with access to high-potential BBB issues. It mainly invests in bonds issued by European companies and denominated in euro, Swiss franc or sterling.

The aim of the strategy is to minimise volatility and focus on maximizing returns.

Capital en riesgo. El valor de las inversiones y los ingresos derivados de ellas pueden tanto bajar como subir y no está garantizado.  Es posible que los inversores no recuperen la totalidad del importe invertido. La rentabilidad pasada no es indicativa de la rentabilidad actual o futura.

Inicio de la Estrategia


Ubicación de los Gestores
