High Yield

We are among the few managers with a 30+ year track record in high yield. Throughout this time, our focus on diligent and rigorous credit analysis has ensured defaults have remained at a minimum.

We run high yield strategies that offer singular access to specific regions or to global markets. Investing primarily in cash bonds, these strategies aim to increase in value over the long term while minimizing volatility and providing an attractive income.

Our Advantage

  • Clear, Consistent, Risk Managed Investment Approach – consistent philosophy over 30 years of performance
  • Global Investment Reach – portfolio management, credit research and trading teams leverage US, European and Emerging Markets
  • Capital Preservation Mindset – we seek to mitigate volatility and protect capital through default avoidance


Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is not an indication of current or future performance.

Credit Risk: High yield securities which are rated below investment grade, are considered to be speculative with respect to the issuer’s ability to pay interest and principal and they are susceptible to default or decline in market value due to adverse economic and business developments.

“Our approach to high yield is focused on deep, bottom-up credit analysis. This aims to generate what we believe to be compelling returns, while at the same time preserving our clients' capital. ”

Thomas Samson, Portfolio Manager

Photo of Thomas Samson, Portfolio Manager



Jul 25, 2024

Safety first: Why quality matters in high yield

The high-yield market held up well in the first half of the year, but as Jamie Cane and Kevin Ziets explain, prudence and careful credit selection will remain vital in the coming months.


Jun 07, 2024

US high yield: Playing the short game

With interest rate volatility likely to continue, Bryan Petermann explains how investors can insulate their credit exposure while potentially generating compelling returns via an allocation to short-duration high yield.


Apr 09, 2024

Tighter for longer? The prospects for high yield

In our latest Q&A, Bryan Peterman and Thomas Samson share their thoughts on whether US and European high yield is expensive and the opportunities and risks of the looming maturity wall facing issuers.

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